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Cannabis Guide 2020: Why Weed and Alcohol Don’t Mix

by Katie Herzog


Index Media

We’ve all been there. You’re drinking at home, hiding out from coronavirus while listening to 69 Love Songs and sniffing your ex’s old undershirts. You’re adequately sauced, but not so drunk that you can’t remember all the words to “I Don’t Want to Get Over You.” Then you decide that what this moment really needs is a little bit of weed.

Bad move. As I learned every single weekend from the ages of 18 to 25, the wrong mix of booze and weed can be a toxic combination. Your blood pressure will drop, your stomach will seize, your skin will turn clammy, the color will drain from your face, and the world will start spinning. And that’s before you start puking. What seemed like a good idea at the time can quickly end with your head in the toilet if you’re lucky, and in the bushes if you’re not. It is, to put it mildly, unpleasant.

This doesn’t happen to everyone. Some people can drink a handle of Jim Beam and do half a dozen dabs, and then walk in a straight line and repeat the alphabet backward. We call these people “alcoholics.” But for many of us, adding weed to an already full stomach of booze can be a real party killer.

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