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BLM Stealth-Edits Website Amid Marxist Blowback, Plunge In Americans’ Support

BLM Stealth-Edits Website Amid Marxist Blowback, Plunge In Americans’ Support

Tyler Durden

Fri, 09/25/2020 – 16:20

A new Associated Press poll finds that there has been a massive 15 point swing and that most Americans are now hostile to Black Lives Matter protests.

“The poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that 44% of Americans disapprove of protests in response to police violence against Black Americans, while 39% approve. In June, 54% approved. The new survey was conducted Sept. 11-14, before Wednesday’s announcement that a lone Louisville police officer would be charged in the Taylor case, but not for her actual death.”

As Summit News’ Paul Joseph Watson notes, the figures are also interesting when broken down along racial lines.

Just 35% of white Americans approve of the protests, down from 53% back in June. Just Latinos, 31% approve, compared with 44% in June.

Support for BLM amongst African-Americans has also dropped from 81% to 63%.

As Chris Menahan notes, “AP-NORC chose to exclude Latinos from their chart to make it seem like this is just a Black vs White thing.”

Support for BLM amongst Republicans has also dropped from 29% to 9%. Meanwhile, 70% of Democrats still approve of the protests, while significantly more people on both sides of the political spectrum believe the demonstrations to be “mostly or all violent.”

The survey also finds that belief in the central underpinning narrative pushed by BLM, that blacks are being indiscriminately targeted by police, is being eroded.

“Overall, Americans are less likely than they were in June to say deadly force is more commonly used against a Black person than a white person, 50% vs. 61%. And fewer now say that officers who cause injury or death on the job are treated too leniently by the justice system, 52% vs. 65%.”

The numbers are clear – supporting Black Lives Matter is a losing election issue.

Only when Democrats began to realize that a few weeks ago did they finally denounce the bedlam that has plagued American streets since the end of May.

All of which may explain why BLM scrubbed its “what we believe” page from the organization’s website.

Frankly, as American Thinker’s Silvio Canto, Jr writes, we’re surprised that it took this long.

In other words, it’s amazing that all of those Marxist and anti-family ideas sat on the Black Lives Matter website for so long.

Well, BLM is changing its image, as Jason Whitlock wrote:   

BLM’s “what we believe” page originally exposed the movement’s heavy Marxist influence. The page called for the disruption of the nuclear family. Let me quote it directly.

“We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents and children are comfortable.”

That’s a Marxist concept.

Libby Emmons at The Post Millennial succinctly summarized the BLM agenda, writing that BLM “espouses Marxist principles of communal children and the demise of the family structure over American ideals of individualism and family unity.”

People are finally looking beyond BLM’s catchy slogan and evaluating the actual agenda. The agenda is Karl Marx’s anti-God, pro-communism political theory. BLM scrubbed its “what we believe” page because smart people are distancing themselves from BLM. 

Thank you Jason, for pointing this out.

What continues to amaze is that this information sat on their website during all the riots and violence.  Yet, no one in the media ever asked anything about the people behind BLM or what all of those statements were about.

Things are starting to change, as Jason Whitlock notes, this summer while American sports leagues were swallowing Black Lives Matter’s entire agenda and embedding their slogans onto fields and courts, the Premier Soccer League distanced itself from BLM. 

Read this story from early July about EPL stars and their new position on BLM.  Two weeks ago, ESPN reported that Premier League clubs scrapped their BLM badges. 

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