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A Guide to Outdoor & Socially Distant Adventuring in the Portland Area for the End of Summer 2020

by Mercury EverOut Staff

Buddy, you have no idea how happy these Dinosaurs are to see you having a late-summer adventure.

Buddy, you have no idea how happy these Dinosaurs are to see you having a late-summer adventure. Prehistoric Gardens via Facebook

Summers in Oregon can be sort of deceptive. You might get all the way into the middle of July before it starts to feel like it’s been any warmer than the spring was, and then BAM: repeated flurries of multiple 100-degree days, and there you are, shirtless and sweating through your couch at 9:30 pm on a random Sunday in October. Now add a dang pandemic into the mix, and it might seem like there’s not very much out there for those of you seeking to safely enjoy some time out and about to stave off the stir-crazies. But that’s where we come in, with this guide to some great things to do in the out- (and in-) doors, from more involved activities like hiking and boating, to things like “watching a movie” or “eating fresh fruit.”


Outdoor Skating at Oaks Park
The Rose City Rollers host multiple opportunities to get some fun in the sun on eight wheels, and if you don’t own those wheels already, the RCR’s Skatemobile has you covered with rental skates, helmets, and pads. And when they say you can skate at Oaks Park, they mean all over Oaks Park!

Portland Electric Boat Rental
It’s a proven fact that beer tastes better and music sounds catchier while on a boat, but such a privilege is usually reserved for those people with boating licenses or well-off buddies. Fortunately, you don’t need a boating license or fancy friends to rent and operate an electric boat from the Portland Electric Boat Company. Each vessel seats up to 10 people, and they’ll hook you up with maps so you can conduct your own tour of the city via the Willamette River.

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