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Dollar Has Best Day In 2 Months As Fed Sinks Stocks, Bonds, & Bullion

Dollar Has Best Day In 2 Months As Fed Sinks Stocks, Bonds, & Bullion

Tyler Durden

Wed, 08/19/2020 – 16:01

The Fed Minutes’ message was clear: “Y.C.C., Nay!”

And that did not go down well in bond-land…

Source: Bloomberg

Erasing much of the last two day’s gains…

Source: Bloomberg

And steepened the yield curve…

Source: Bloomberg

Which knocked stocks lower… (at the cash open, small caps were bid with Nasdaq dumped but then the machines kicked in and went to new highs before The Fed’s YCC-dismissing Fed Minutes)…  Nasdaq was the day’s biggest loser…

The S&P 500 lost its old highs..

Sparked the best day in the USDollar in two months…

Source: Bloomberg

Sending precious metals lower with gold back below $2000…

And silver back below $28…

As real yields spiked…

Source: Bloomberg

Cryptos slipped a little more today…

Source: Bloomberg

Oil prices whipsawed in a tight range after inventories data to end almost unch with QTI at $43…

Copper ended higher but tumbled after The Fed Minutes (with futures back below 3.00)…


Finally, making all the headlines, Apple reached the stunning level of a $2 trillion market capitalization…


Because, fun-durr-mentals…

Source: Bloomberg

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