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Good Afternoon, News: Ridiculous River Trumpers, the Democrats’ Internet Party, and a National Outcry to Save USPS

by Wm. Steven Humphrey

A national outcry forces Democrats to depose corrupt Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.

A national outcry forces Democrats to depose corrupt Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. Michael A. McCoy / Getty News

Here’s your daily roundup of all the latest local and national news. (Like our coverage? Please consider making a recurring contribution to the Mercury to keep it comin’!)

• Because shitty people often cause shitty consequences: A parade of Trump supporters in boats floated past downtown this weekend making so many waves that an innocent family of boaters were capsized.

• Related:

• Don’t Shoot Portland is filing a lawsuit to hold the city and police in contempt of court, arguing that officers continue to use violent crowd control tactics against nonviolent protesters. (Which they certainly have been doing to a startling degree.)

• Speaking of shitty people, members of the far-right Patriot Prayer organization confronted peaceful protesters downtown on Saturday, shooting paint balls, macing them, and possibly firing actual guns.

• Gov. Kate Brown warned Oregonians to be extra careful not to increase the danger of wildfire while camping, due to the hot, dry weather ahead.

• New and improved swimming hole alert! Downtown’s Duckworth Dock on the Willamette River now has ladders to make swimming substantially easier (and soon, bike parking too)!



• Following a national outcry—AND FOR DAMN GOOD REASON—House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called representatives back to Washington DC to stop Trump’s utterly corrupt head of the USPS from deliberately fucking with the postal service (i.e. screwing up any chance of mail-in voting thereby rigging the election) until next year.

• Meanwhile our national outcry is possibly making a difference: USPS says it has stopped removing boxes and mail sorting machines (they are probably lying) and Trump is saying he’s never wanted to “slow down” the mail, and in fact he wants “to speed it up” (he is most definitely lying).

• The Democratic Conventions (such as it is) kicks off tonight with a jam-packed lineup of Democratic stars including Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and even a Republican (former Ohio Gov. John Kasich) has been thrown into the mix! (For what it’s worth, I would watch Michelle Obama read the back of a toothpaste tube.)

• Former senior Trump administration official Miles Taylor, who served as chief of staff to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, is endorsing Joe Biden for president… which makes me say ha-ha-ha.

• If polls are a thing you take stock in (and after 2016, who could blame you if you thought they were a crock of poo), you might be interested to know that Joe Biden has an average of a nine point lead over Trump, according to two new polls that you might not believe.

• Two men have been indicted in the murder of Run-DMC’s Jam Master Jay who was fatally shot in a recording studio in 2002.

• Want to support the Mercury AND look like a million bucks? Buy our newest “RESIST” T-shirt created by local artist Sloane Leong that comes in black, white, yellow, and teal and is perfect for anyone who wants to protest in style! BUT HURRY: The last day to buy one is Sunday, August 23!


Illustration: Sloane Leong

• THE WEATHER REPORT: Continued cooler temps tomorrow and partly sunny skies with a more reasonable high of 88.

• And finally, all I can say is… THANK YOU, SCIENCE.

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