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Coronavirus: Here’s how the political conventions will be impacted and U.S. political party history


The global pandemic is making the political conventions unconventional. Both political parties are going to hold virtual parties with the Democrats starting Aug. 17 in Milwaukee. The Republicans begin Aug. 21 in Charlotte.

According to The Associated Press, there already have been three people working at the Democratic National Convention who tested positive for the coronavirus. Everyone attending the convention will have to wear a face mask, consent to daily testing for COVID-19, fill out questionnaires and maintain a physical distance from others.

The podium will be 20 feet from other people and speakers will be allowed to remove their masks.

Convention history

There were no political conventions in the U.S. until 1831, when the Anti-Mason Party held the first one. Before that, nominations were done by private caucus in the party, but Americans protested that system and felt it underrepresented the people. In the 1800s, the conventions were held almost a year before the elections for transportation purposes.

The first primary elections began in the early 1900s in just a few states.

Today, presidential primaries have made the conventions unnecessary for practical purposes because the delegates are decided by voting results. The modern convention is a showcase for candidates with prime time news coverage and at a political pep rally.

Both parties will have to be innovative to deal with the pandemic, and TV networks are anticipating more people might tune in since there’s somewhat of a captive audience in the era of the coronavirus.

Democratic National Convention

Monday-Thursday in Milwaukee.

Convention programming will air from 6-8 p.m. PDT.

Livestream is available at

Republican National Convention

Thursday-Aug. 24, 2020 in Charlotte, North Carolina.


Sources: Gallup, Pew Research Center, Richard J. Hardy of Western Illinois University, U.S. Constitution, Democratic National Committee, Republican National Committee, The Associated Press

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