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Dollarpocalypse Sends Gold, Silver, & Crypto Soaring

Dollarpocalypse Sends Gold, Silver, & Crypto Soaring

Tyler Durden

Mon, 07/27/2020 – 16:01

Things just “escalated quickly” in dollar-land as the greenback was clubbed like a baby seal to its lowest level since Sept 2018 today…

Source: Bloomberg

Breaking a key up-trendline…

Source: Bloomberg

Creating the so-called “death cross”…

Source: Bloomberg

“I love the smell of burning dollars in the morning…”

And as the dollar collapsed, gold soared…

Source: Bloomberg

As GLD holders soar…

To new all-time record highs…

Source: Bloomberg

Spot Gold is back to its most overbought levels of the last couple of years (neither previous time saw a notable decline, more of a sideways move)…

Source: Bloomberg

And Silver soared-erer…

Source: Bloomberg

Helped by RHers piling in (SLV is the 21st most propular stock on Robinhood today)

To its highest since August 2013…

Source: Bloomberg

Bitcoin was also bid back up near $11,000…

Source: Bloomberg

The highest level for the crypto since Sept 2019…

Source: Bloomberg

And Ethereum is surging even more…

Source: Bloomberg

Spiking to its highest sine June 2019…

Source: Bloomberg

Stocks were also higher on stimulus hopes (but note the massive outperformance of big tech as The Dow lagged)… Stocks were sinking into the European close then took off as soon as it closed…

Nasdaq has been up 7 of the last 8 Mondays.

Nasdaq surged back up to a somewhat key level (right before its massive squeeze higher last week)…

As FANG Stocks continued their rebound off Friday’s opening gap down…

Source: Bloomberg

TSLA took off in Ludicrous mode once again – erasing Friday’s losses…

The decoupling between Nasdaq and insider sentiment is dramatic to say the least…

Banks were mostly dumped today )GS outperformed)…

Source: Bloomberg

This could be a problem for China…

Source: Bloomberg

As the dollar was dumped today, so were bonds…

Source: Bloomberg

With 10Y yield pushing back above 60bps (up only 2bps though)_…

Source: Bloomberg

All cryptos are up since Friday…

Source: Bloomberg

The gold/silver ratio is tumbling as silver plays catch up (its lowest sicne Aug 2018)…

Source: Bloomberg

But the ratio has a long way to go (silver outperformance) to catch down to its historical average…

Big roundtrip in oil prices today as stimulus bill hopes picked up, bouncing off $40…


Finally, is Trump’s tumbling approval rating signaling more pain for the dollar to come?

Source: Bloomberg

And is the resurgence in global negative-yielding debt signaling more fun ahead for Bitcoin (and gold)?

Source: Bloomberg

As the collapse of real yields lifts precious metals…

Source: Bloomberg

Is the second wave over?

Source: Bloomberg

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