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Final day of the Johnston Green Days Festival kicks off with pancakes ahead of parade

JOHNSTON, Iowa- The third and final day of the 28th annual Johnston Green Days kicked off Saturday morning at Terra Park.

The festival started as a way to celebrate agricultural roots, but it has grown into so much more.

This year’s theme is Paint the Town Green. The schedule for the last day is packed, starting with a Pancake Breakfast at the Terra Park Amphitheatre.

It was organized by the Kiwanis Club of Johnston. Dale Doudna is the Governor of the Nebraska-Iowa Kiwanis District. He said that Kiwanis is a global organization with volunteers hoping to improve the world by helping one community at a time.

They served pancakes and sausages for free from 7AM to 9:30AM, when the parade kicked off.

The parade route is approximately 1.2 miles long. It begins at the intersection of South Drive and Pioneer Parkway. It goes South along Pioneer Parkway and North on Greendale Road. The parade ends at the corner of Pioneer Parkway and Greendale Road.

Pioneer Parkway will be closed from 8AM until 12PM on Saturday.

After the parade, the carnival and food vendors will open at 11AM. Festival-goers can get unlimited rides at the carnival by purchasing a $25 wristband.

Food and drinks will be sold until 11PM and live music will take place until 11:30PM.

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