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Man riding mule across Iowa to spread nonprofit’s message

ROCK VALLEY, Iowa (KCAU) – Mike Siddall and his three mules are making their way across the state of Iowa. It’s not just to cross an item off the bucket list — it’s also to spread the message of his and his wife’s nonprofit. 

“It’s kind of always been my dream to ride from one end of the state to the other on my mule, so that’s what we’re doing,” Mike said.

On Tuesday morning, Mike Siddall began his journey across Iowa’s Highway 18, but he and his wife, Anita, have different feelings going in.

“This is the first time, so I’m kind of excited,” Mike said.

“I have anxiety, I don’t like big old trucks coming by him and so it makes me a little nervous,” Anita said. “But I’m proud of him.”

But this is more than a cross-state road trip. The couple is using this time to spread the message of their nonprofit. As a farrier and a dental hygienist, the couple found a way to combine both of their passions with Toothbrushers and Balaam’s Donkey

“My heart’s desire is to have a healthcare initiative that will put oral care aides in every single health care facility, because medical [workers], they have so much on their plates,” Anita said. “So I just want to step up to them and help them out … create a bridge between medical care and dental care so that there’s an in-between provider.” 

“I started taking my mule,” Mike said. “I’ve got a big donkey, Jack. He’s a mammoth jack donkey and we started visiting care centers with him and got a really good response.”

Now with less than 290 miles to go, the Siddalls are excited to share their message with the people of Iowa.  

“Hopefully, even if they don’t like horses or mules, they’ll still notice that maybe there’s a need out there that we’re trying to fill,” Mike said.

Mike says his goal is to cover 20 miles a day and make it to Guttenberg, Iowa by the end of May.

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