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Reverse Evolution and MAGA

by Anonymous

Evolution is quirky. On the face of it, the genetically fittest survive long enough to reproduce faster and better, so their genes come to dominate the species gene pool. That works, that is, until the process produces an organ, the human brain, that is able to reverse-engineer genetic progress. Then things go to shit in a flash. Why? Because that organ evolves non-biologically faster than its host ever could through gene mutation and natural selection. Progress is no longer environmentally directed. It becomes socially defined. The result? Humans who vote against their legitimate self-interests. Humans who embrace conspiracies while eschewing logic and reason, evidence and facts, history, science, and mathematics. You end up with MAGA Republicans and the Orange Pustule on a dead rat’s ass they revere as their Chosen-One Leader. You arrive at your final destination: a post-fact, no-reality-testing world. Social selection over biological selection. Game over.

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