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The Best Bang for Your Buck Events in Portland This Holiday Weekend: Dec 22–25, 2023

Santa Clones, BIPOC Children’s Book Fair, and More Cheap & Easy Events Under $15

by EverOut Staff

There’s only three more sleeps ’til Christmas! And between now and then, there’s plenty to amuse you and your loved ones, from the return of the Santa Clones to FAM JAM // Pee-Wee’s Playhouse Christmas Special and from the inaugural Portland BIPOC Children’s Book Fair to the traditional screenings of The Big Lebowski at Clinton Street Theater. For more ideas, check out our guide to the top events of the week.


A Holiday Spectacular with Mitch & the Melody Makers
The oldies tribute band Mitch & the Melody Makers will take a break from their regular gig as wedding entertainment to throw their annual holiday spectacular. The evening promises retro holiday hits and obscure treasures alike with appearances from special guests. There’s no telling what songs they’ll cover, but I would love to hear something from James Brown’s A Soulful Christmas. AUDREY VANN
(Mississippi Studios, Boise, $12)

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