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The Top 42 Events in Portland This Week: Dec 18–24, 2023

Pink Martini, Portland Cello Project, and More Top Picks

by EverOut Staff

This week brings winter solstice, Christmas Eve, and a whole host of festivities to partake in, from Festivus For The Rest Of Us At Hey Love to Grand Amari’s Feast of the Seven Fishes and from Pink Martini: Home(town) for the Holidays with the Oregon Symphony to Portland Cello Project: Under The Mistletoe with Saeeda Wright.


Blood Simple
Joel and Ethan Coen’s debut feature Blood Simple is a sharp, penetrating, career-launching noir that introduced the world to the brothers’ signature style of unorthodox black comedy. Frances McDormand stars in the ’85 Texas thriller, which follows a grody bar owner who hires a private eye to tail his wife. Pauline Kael called it “cruel and ghoulish,” which perked up my ears—the Coens can tackle dark topics, but they’re typically more playful about it. LINDSAY COSTELLO
(Clinton Street Theater, Hosford-Abernethy)

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