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Hawkeyes’ key to beating Michigan? ‘Make it a close game and take our chances’

How does Iowa beat Michigan? Las Vegas isn’t giving the 23-point underdog Hawkeyes much of a chance, and the public is certainly writing off Iowa as being any sort of threat to Michigan’s Big Ten title hopes.

The answer is simple: Win games the way they have all year, by keeping it close and pulling through in the end. Iowa’s 8-1 (9-0, according to Kirk) in games decided by two scores or less.

“We’re playing the Big Ten championship game right? We’re playing against the best team we’re going to play all year. We’ve got to play our best football,” Hawkeyes receiver Nico Ragaini said. “We’re going to have to play clean, fundamental football, make the plays and we have the opportunity to make it a dogfight and make it a close game to the end and then take our chances with that.”

“It’s really just going to be everyone taking care of their own role and not trying to be special or heroes or anything like that and get too far ahead of themselves,” Iowa punter Tory Taylor said.

Kirk Ferentz is no stranger to playing Michigan as a heavy underdog — the Hawkeyes took down the Wolverines in 2016 at Kinnick Stadium 14-13. The spread was three scores in favor of Michigan.

As far as this year’s matchup goes, Michigan’s only played in two one-score games this season. Obviously, both were wins, and playing a tight game isn’t something to brag about. But in Iowa’s case, this may play to their advantage.

“The challenge this week is going to be to get it into that fourth quarter where it is competitive.” Iowa head coach Kirk Ferentz said.

“At least we’ve had experience at that. That may be one of their downsides; they haven’t had a lot of that experience. Although, obviously the last three weeks they’ve been in some pretty good ballgames, too. But they’ve had a lot of them where they just hit the gas and went.”

“If you don’t have a respect for their ability and their talent the way they play that can happen to you real fast. First thing we have to do is try to get it to the fourth quarter and then we have to try to find a way to win it.”

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