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YOUR SUNDAY READING LIST: No School November, the Triumphant Return of Liz Phair, and Where to Celebrate Thanksgiving… ALONE

by Wm. Steven Humphrey

GOOD MORNING, SUNDAY! It’s the perfect time to catch up on some of the great reporting and stories the Mercury churned out this week! (PRO TIP: If you despise being “the last to know,” then be one of the first to know by signing up for Mercury newsletters! All the latest stories shipped directly to your email’s in-box… and then… YOUR HEAD.)


Our new Mercury HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR has it all: Tons o’ gifts! Lots of food! Drunken shenanigans! Portable bidets! And even a pagan fun page… for the kids! Time to get JOLLY, mother-effers. 🎄

Skye Bolluyt

City Hopes Clean Energy Funds Will Help End Teachers Strike As It Surpasses The Two-Week Mark

With Thanksgiving Break days away, PPS and the teachers’ union have yet to reach a contract agreement. But there may be room to hope that bargaining developments, plus fast-tracked funds from the city of Portland, could help.

Taylor Griggs


Calling all smarty pants! 🤓 It’s time to play Portland’s fave trivia game, POP QUIZ PDX! This week’s quizzy Qs includes teachers’ strike shenanigans, preggo elephants, and who is the WORST Thanksgiving guest ever? SEE HOW SMART *YOU* ARE! 🧠


Portland City Council Says Au Revoir to Meetings at City Hall Until 2025

Last Wednesday marked the last time Portland City Council will meet in council chambers at City Hall until 2025. Council meetings will go virtual before resuming in-person at an alternate location in January, as a City Hall remodel kicks off.

Courtney Vaughn

Portland, Appreciate A Wynne When You Have One

Portland-based rapper Wynne handed out hit after hit this year, both on and off her “Some Like It Hot” EP. We sat down with the emerging star to discuss her album, her tour, and her career’s steady, hard-won climb.


For the Rest of Us

Are you a “holiday loner”? Well, join the club of Portlanders who are going it alone on Thanksgiving and Christmas with our list of places that are open (and making you happy) on the holidays. 



Vagabon brings her boundary-pushing indie rock to Mississippi Studios, Portland rapper Jordan Fletcher headlines a stacked Kelly’s Olympian bill, and the Oregon Symphony adds more diverse holiday concerts.


Todd Haynes’ May December Is a Lifetime Movie With a Semiotics Degree

The latest film by Portlander Todd Haynes “May December” remixes the real-life story of Seattle-area teacher Mary Kay Letorneau, who was arrested for having a sexual relationship with one of her students.



Tim Scott leaves prez race to spend more time with “girlfriend,” the latest celeb hook-ups, and the sexiest man alive (circa 2003). Get all your garbage-y gossip now with THE TRASH REPORT! 🦝


Liz Phair’s Exile in Guyville 30th Anniversary Tour

Read this review of Liz Phair at Revolution Hall in Portland and instantly get “Flower” stuck in your head. Melissa Locker waxes nostalgic on the Exile in Guyville 30th Anniversary Tour.

Melissa Locker

WOW, THAT IS A LOT OF GOOD READIN’. I hope you didn’t have any other plans this weekend! Dig in, and remember: Producing all this hard work costs moolah—so please consider contributing to the Mercury to keep it all coming! Thanks!

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