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Spotlight: InTandem Digital Marketing Is a True Partner for SMBs

There are tons of agencies that provide digital marketing services to businesses. However, finding a true partner that specializes in helping small and mid-sized businesses can be especially valuable.

That’s where InTandem Digital Consulting comes in. Read the company’s story below in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

What the Business Does

Provides digital marketing services to mid-sized businesses.

Founder Julia Maldonado told Small Business Trends, “InTandem Digital Consulting is an online, digital marketing agency, based in and around Atlanta, Georgia. We offer a wide variety of custom, digital services like website design, branding identity, content creation and strategy, business development and social media management. We specifically cater to small to mid-size business owners and also love to work with non-profits!”

Business Niche

Providing exceptional communication and customer support.

Maldonado says, “I cannot count the number of clients who either come to us because of a lack of communication and proper expectation setting from their previous web designer OR tell us how seamless their entire experience was with us and are grateful. We have really developed an extraordinary process!”

How the Business Got Started

To escape the corporate world.

Maldonado explains, “The ‘corporate-world’ was an intense, pressure-cooker. I experienced mind-blowing, knowledge consumption during these years. It was truly an emotional roller coaster at times and easily, the most important professional experiences and relationships gained. I learned invaluable lessons from so many influential leaders that I carry with me to this day. Whether it was during boardroom discussions or presentations filled with innovative perspectives, I was consistently challenged to step out of my comfort zone. I am grateful for that today.

“Ultimately, I found myself stretching myself too thin trying to be everything to everyone. I felt it was a matter of time before the long commutes, endless mind-numbing meetings and sometimes toxic, corporate culture, would mean compromising my health and ultimately my legacy for my children. I had to make a choice at this point. And with a third child- a rambunctious toddler boy this time, the decision to leave corporate and begin on my own was much clearer. I missed being creative, terribly also.

“I decided to use my creative talents AND my business process knowledge to help other like-minded entrepreneurs realize their dreams and grow their businesses!”

Biggest Win

Winning a large nonprofit client over larger agencies.

Maldonado adds, “A similar non-profit and historical society for a different county had referred me to another (the second largest county in the state of Georgia!) The whole acquisition process took over 6 months. I prepared and presented an entire proposal to several of the board of trustees and chairmen. Then six months later, I found out that even though similar in price point, the historical society non-profit had decided to proceed with my agency!

“I was floored and felt such a sense of gratitude and accomplishment. The build and in-person training took a little under nine months to complete, but was such a fun and rewarding project!”

Biggest Risk

Expanding services to include book publishing.

Maldonado says, “In 2020, at the start of the pandemic, I was asked by my client, whom I completed a website for and also managed their social media, if I would publish their book. The reasoning being that the publisher they were about to sign with was way more expensive than anticipated and they figured I could do any of it anyways.

“As flattered as I was, I told them this just was not in my wheel-house of services offered and that, frankly, I had never done this before. I took the week to research and also reached out to a few of my contacts.

“Long story short, I was able to find a resource/established author who taught me the entire self-publishing process. We formatted the book, worked with a cover artist and illustrator and published the book in October of 2020. The book is titled, Housing Humans- A Vicarious Memorandum by Eugene E. Jones, Jr. The current CEO of Atlanta Housing Authority.

“This was a risk because I basically focused this entire year on this one project and it was also something that was very new to me and foreign, but like everything else I take on I gave it 140%.

“Publishing Housing Humans led to producing author videos to promote the book, publishing a second children’s book, Hold You by Craig Lucie and now later this year, we will product our first audio book!”

How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000

Investing in more creative talent.

Maldonado adds, “Great creative talent is hard to come by and they work hard and deserve to be compensated for it!”

Favorite Quote

“She believed she could. So she did.”

* * * * *

Find out more about the Small Biz Spotlight program

Image: InTandem Digital Marketing, Julia Maldonado and Margaret McNair, business development and designer

This article, “Spotlight: InTandem Digital Marketing Is a True Partner for SMBs” was first published on Small Business Trends

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