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I am old and I tip big

by Anonymous

Ok. Next time I walk into a restaurant and get the side eye from a hostess at the front of the house (yes, you, restaurant on SE Division) who seats me in the back corner near the open kitchen ( 2nd time in a row this has happened) where all the clanging and the noise are when there are open seats at the windows looking out at the street view, you are making an assumption that because I look older, I am not going toTIP BIG, or am worried about splitting the bill and will be fussy, or that I will order just a little food. Nope! I will order a lot of food cause I no longer give a shit if I eat too much, add drinks, and dessert! And if you are pleasant I will TIP BIG. Do not shove me in the back of the restaurant near the kitchen cause I look to you like some old fart who will be a pain in your ass. I actually have money. I actually TIP BIG especially when I am not looked at askance. I get that young folks are paying back student loans, cannot find housing, are thinking WTF have the boomers done to fuck up the world. I totally understand. But do not look at me and assume that I am some tight ass, wound up, won’t tip BIG OLD lady. Nope. Because I will walk out and find somewhere where they don’t dismiss me out of hand. Think again. Ageism is a thing and I just experienced it at your restaurant and won’t be back to TIP BIG!!

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