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Private school says vouchers won’t significantly increase enrollment

PELLA, Iowa — At Pella Christian School they’ve been following the Governor’s education reforms. The Head of School there, Dan Zylstra went to Des Moines to testify at the hearing on the reform bill.

“I spoke in favor of the bill, it’s an excellent path forward for Iowa Schools,” said Zylstra.

The school leader said if parents can take dollars to use for tuition at his school he doesn’t anticipate a big influx of students.

“Pella public schools are great schools, and the other area public schools are fantastic, and we’re proud of that,” said Zylstra .”We love that we have great school choices around here, so I don’t anticipate a huge number of families all of a sudden enrolling in Pella Christian, but we will see a slight uptick.”

The school has a high school, which draws students from Christian elementary schools around the region, like Oskaloosa and Sully.

“We are a non-public accredited school so we have third-party accreditation, but that involves a lot of requirements. Meeting financial, educational teacher licensing, so we have many standards,” said Zylstra. “That’s a form of accreditation to the state of Iowa and I believe that’s a part of this bill.”

Parents also can remove students if they are not satisfied with the education.

The school’s mission involves Christian faith.

“It’s all from a distinctive Christian vantage point, so you know we believe in scripture and God‘s sovereignty through everything here,” said Zylstra.

The school has recently updated the elementary and middle school building, and the High School is also fairly new. Buildings were constructed so that they could be expanded if needed. 

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