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Good Afternoon, News: The Georgia Runoff Ends Tonight, Judge Fight (!) Over Measure 114, and 17 Counts of Fraud for Trump Organization Entities

by Suzette Smith

The Mercury provides news and fun every single day—but your help is essential. If you believe Portland benefits from smart, local journalism and arts coverage, please consider making a small monthly contribution, because without you, there is no us. Thanks for your support!

Good Afternoon, Portland! I am writing to you from the inside the cold, brutal grip of FedEx tracking—as my whole day has been lived at their vile whims, trying to pick up a package from God’s most hated pedestrian area of Portland: the NW Lovejoy shopping district. I hope the news can distract me from this newfound life of impending bodily injury, as I dash nimbly from the vehicular monsters who run these streets. Onward, brave readers!

• In the midst of lawsuits from three sheriffs, two gun shop owners, and a gun rights group, a federal judge denied an attempt to delay the implementation of voter-approved Measure 114, this morning. News Editor Alex Zielinski explained the update. ANNND then wrote an update on the update! Because, in the following hours, a Harney County judge effectively reversed the ruling of that federal judge. The office of Oregon’s Attorney General has requested that the Oregon Supreme Court immediately review the case.

STORY UPDATED: A Harney County judge has issued a temporary restraining order blocking the law from taking effect. The Or. DOJ will ask the state Supreme Court to review the decision immediately.

— J Levinson (@_jlevinson) December 6, 2022

• Speaking of all the hot hot state lawsuits, today Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum filed an extensive lawsuit against Juul, accusing the e-cigarette company of violating state trade laws. KOIN reports that Juul is accused marketing to minors and calling e-cigarettes a safer smoking option. Furthermore, some Juul advertisements claimed one pod contained the nicotine equivalent of a pack of cigarettes, when studies have shown the pods contain approximately double the amount.

• Staff at New Avenues for Youth, a Portland nonprofit focused on addressing youth homelessness, announced a plan to unionize today. According to a source within the workforce, staff began organizing in May, following a period of high worker turnover. Alex Zielinski has more.

• And now Isabella Garcia brings you the latest on COVID, RSV, mpox, and the flu:

Overlapping respiratory viruses are currently straining the Portland region’s hospital capacity, triggering recommendations to wear masks indoors and reconsider social plans.

— Portland Mercury 🗞 (@portlandmercury) December 6, 2022

In this week’s Savage Love, Dan offers “slutting advice” to a reader who just got out of a long term, monogamous relationship and who’s looking to keep things casual.


Tonight is the night, dancing free until the morning light—wait, oh a special election night? Well, okay. The Georgia run-off between Senator Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker comes to a close tonight. The New York Times reports that, so far, voting has unfolded smoothly, with very few lines.

• Today’s Trump Schadenfreude Moment: The Associated Press reports that two Trump Organization corporate entities have been found guilty on 17 counts—everything they were charged with—of fraud and other financial crimes. The organization faces fines of up to $1.6 million. IT IS NOT ENOUGH! (It is not enough.) In schadenfreude snacks: Ben Protess of the New York Times breaks down all the ways Trump’s empire is SHRINKING.

• Hold your newspeople tight, America. The nation’s largest newspaper chain, Gannett, is in the midst of laying off six percent of its staff, which is around 200 people—after just laying off 400 in August. Oregon readers are losing talented reporters at the Statesman Journal, among others.

Gannett hasn’t been open about how many people were laid off right before the holidays.

They also let the entire news team stew for two weeks before these layoffs.

Have a guess how morale is.

— Will Carless (@willcarless) December 5, 2022

• While it won’t replace “Kermit Is My Boyfriend” as TikTok ditty most frequently sang around my home, “100 Cats In an IKEA” is certainly a new champion of beats to keep moving from bus to train to bus to walk.

@solbeatz 100 cats in an IKEA 🐈🐈🐈 #whatsgonnahappen #100catsinikea #meow #catsoftiktok ♬ 100 Cats (What’s gonna happen?) – Jonah Sun

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