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There Will be More Elections

by Anonymous

This needs saying. For many of us, our candidate will not win on tuesday, this could be for a number of reasons, and we should absolutely make a strong inspection of why that happened. Yes, the system is flawed, and we have a sacred duty to continuously drive ourselves and our neighors together into a more and more perfect union. But don’t dispair, don’t give up hope, don’t give into violence and vandalism. There are many forces who are counting on you to give in to that more reactive lesser you, the one willing to abandon your priciples and long-term thinking for a quick hit of endorphins or a cartarthic release of anger. There are entire industries and outlets built around weakening your sense of self and selfcontrol and triggering an indulgence of their advertisement. There are also many counting on you to stand point with your greater sef, the one who holds fast to who they are and what they stand for even when things get difficult or they are threatened with unpopularity. This is the you who knows who you are and the role you play in our communities. This is the you we are counting on, our future is counting on. Don’t continue to make the same mistakes of the past where we have seen other generations fail to keep their promise. Don’t mimic the behavior of oppressors, don’t collaborate with them. Find a way to forgive yourself for past mistakes, hold yourself accountable and help us all move forward. Whatever the results we face on tuesday, place your faith in our ability to guarantee ourselves more elections. And the way our system works, some may even happen sooner than you’d think.

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