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Two Rants For the Price ($0) of One

by Anonymous

Portland Marathon planners don’t seem to understand that you can’t entirely cut a neighborhood off to the point where a caregiver would need to spend 50 minutes circuitously navigating the streets to get to the person for whom he cares. But why expect more brains from the PM planners than from Portland Building and Safety or any of its other endeavors? All the smart people are braindrained to California and Seattle, et alia. Sorry, Portland, but you are going to have to think harder if you can’t think smarter. Or, I see lawsuits in your future. Secondly, the Portland Arts Tax is a regressive, stupid tax that should never have existed. What “arts” exist in this third-rate city are not worth going to, and certainly having to shell out $35 dollars a year “if you make more than a thousand dollars a year” is not going to help poor people see more plays. Again, the law sleeps but isn’t dead, and sooner or later someone is going to test this tax in court and it will be, as it should be, defunct.

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