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by Anonymous

I don’t understand why lobbying and “political consulting” is a legal and acceptable practice.
It’s just whitewashed bribery and political corruption.

These entities have no ethics whatsoever. Not even an ethics on paper policy for show.

The entire point of the industry is to warp, pervert, and corrupt our government away from the interests of its constituents.

The entire goal of its “service” is to deny or abuse the consent of the governed.

What’s made matters worse, is now our government hires the same “family of consultants” to lobby and consult with them directly.

How much money has the City of Portland spent itself on lobbying?

Why do these supposedly grass roots community action groups need lobbyists?

Why are we allowing a small and limited number of specific lawyers and political professionals to hijack our government to enrich themselves and enhance their own social status?

It’s clear their goal is to perpetuate and monetize conflict rather than actually solve or move the dial on anything.

Why are otherwise ethical journalists empowering these figures rather giving voice to everyday Portlanders?

maybe we’ll find out sooner or later

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