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From cucumber soup to ice-cream: summer recipes from Skye Gyngell

Recipes inspired by chef Skye Gyngell’s collaboration with Jane Scotter of Fern Verrow farm

There is a loving, odd-couple element to chef Skye Gyngell and her grower Jane Scotter. Theirs is a cook-farmer relationship, more commonly seen in California with, say, Chez Panisse or David Kinch’s Manresa restaurant and Love Apple Farm, but near unheard of in the UK.

We’re Facetiming while they’re at Fern Verrow, Scotter’s market garden in Herefordshire, where Gyngell is combining one of her seasonal visits with an OFM photoshoot. The pair have worked together since 2014, when Gyngell left Michelin-starred Petersham Nurseries in Richmond to open Spring in Somerset House, off the Strand in London.

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