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Family Leader celebrates legislative accomplishments

DES MOINES, Iowa — The Family Leader on Friday celebrated what was called the “best legislative session ever” after the passage of a number of conservative priorities.

Chuck Hurley, a former lawmaker and the founder of the Iowa Policy Center, which later became the Family Leader, said the credit goes to a number of hardworking lawmakers. He invited a large group on stage to give them recognition.

“Together we achieved first passage of the Protect Life Amendment, without which we will be unable to protect unborn children from the scourge of abortion, or protect you from being forced to pay for it,” said Hurley. “Constitutional amendments take a long time. In Iowa this amendment will need to pass again in 2023 or 2024 before you and I get to vote on it.”

Each lawmaker was introduced by name and some had key roles in getting the major bills passed.

“Legislators like these are why we can turn the tide and win against Planned Parenthood and the abortion lobby and protect unborn children and Iowa someday,” said Hurley. “But we aren’t done yet. This year the Iowa Senate passed the governor’s ‘student first scholarship bill’ that would have education dollars follow students to whatever school a parent chooses.”

Another major accomplishment listed was banning the teaching of Critical Race Theory.

“Thank you for fighting the good fight. Let’s keep it also in the realm of education. This Legislature and Governor Reynolds and the fight against atheist indoctrination of our children by banning government schools and agencies from forcing students or government employees to except Critical Race Theory or other racist ideologies,” said Hurley.

Also speaking to the group was Gov. Kim Reynolds, who was hailed for her leadership on the legislative agenda.

“More important than ever they should be declared proudly and lift boldly the goods and virtue, of freedom, family, and community,” said Reynolds. “Love and mercy draw striking contrast with what’s on offer today in Washington, D.C. This current administration speaks about unity, while promoting a radical social agenda backed by extreme liberal activists and corporations among other things elections taxpayer funded abortions. This is not an agenda for Iowa and agenda for our country.”

Reynolds recapped some of the actions she took during the pandemic.

“K-12 students nationwide had fallen behind at alarming rates, and we didn’t tolerate that in Iowa,” said Reynolds. “Before the new school year even opened with this legislature, I signed legislation requiring that schools must provide primarily in-person instruction and to focus on core subjects. In January I signed the first-of-its-kind law requiring all schools to give families the option of sending their children back to the classroom full-time five days a week, all day.”

The Family Leader also invited some national speakers, including former Vice President Mike Pence, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem.

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