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Perfect wines to match with vegetable dishes

As with meat and fish, choosing the right wine to go with veg starts with not just the hero ingredient, but the way it’s prepared

Five, and certainly 10 years ago, I didn’t spend much time thinking about what to drink with vegetable-based dishes, not least because, unless you were vegetarian, they were rarely the focus of the meal. These days, however, they very often are, but what are the implications for wine if there aren’t great hunks of protein on the plate?

Just as with meat and fish, it’s not so much about the base ingredient, but the way it’s prepared or cooked – or even whether it’s cooked at all. When tomatoes, say, share the limelight with spicy sausage, to me the combination calls for a gutsy red, but eat them raw in a salad or as crudités, and you’d probably be more inclined to drink a rosé or a crisp white.

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