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Conviction for Mollie Tibbetts’ murder brings relief for people of Brooklyn

BROOKLYN, Iowa — When a jury found Mollie Tibbetts’ killer guilty of murder Friday afternoon, it closed a painful chapter in her hometown of Brooklyn.

“After the verdict was read, I was in shock,” said Angie Thompson, a Brooklyn resident and longtime friend of the Tibbetts family. “I can’t describe how I’m feeling. You want to cry, but you want to be happy, but it’s hard to say what emotion you’re going to have.”

“It’s over,” said fellow Brooklyn resident Dylan Ulin. “We’re finally at peace.”

The conviction for Tibbetts’ murder is just the start of a long healing process for the town. Teal ribbons still line Brooklyn streets in her memory, and signs proclaiming “Justice For Mollie” are still prevalent even after the guilty verdict.

“A friend of mine owns the coffee shop across the street and she came right over after the verdict,” Thompson said. “She was just sobbing like she couldn’t control her emotions.”

Thompson has a sign on her car that says “Praying For Mollie,” which she did after the jury reached their decision.

“Being a friend of the family, it’s been tough knowing what they’ve been going through,” Thompson said. “Mollie has to be smiling knowing her family has some relief. It’s good to have closure for them to move forward.”

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