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Big Man

by Anonymous

You are a very big, tough man.
You know it. You act it.
No mask right as you enter the MAX. Eh, what for? I’m a badass.
You cough upon entry proudly. I am the man.
You go to take your seat right in front of me.
I’m your only audience. So, your badassery was witnessed only by me. Wow, you are a badass. You sit, feet upon the chair in front of you. Even more cool badass, big stuff.
You cough again.
As if you don’t know what you’re doing. Why do so many like you have this man child syndrome? Trying to do tough shit for the crowd that isn’t there to give you what you deserve.
Coughing like you’re proving some point. yeah, I’m a badass. I’m a big man.
I wish I could act upon all the evil in my head.
I wish I could curse hurtful, vengeful thoughts on you. All the worst ones.
I don’t care anymore.
Your blatant disrespect, and disregard for humanity, and social etiquette has left a bad taste in my mouth as I see every single stranger to be the same worthless piece of crap that you are.
I can’t make what I wish would really happen to you come true, so I hope when it rains, you get soaked.
I hope when it’s freezing and wet and cold or snowing, you are stranded.
I hope when it’s hot, you burn.

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