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Good Afternoon, News: Suspect ID’d in Truck Driver Assault, and DeJoy Backpedals But Doesn’t Fix USPS

by Wm. Steven Humphrey

I promise to halt all current plans to subvert the election! (But wait until you see my NEW plans!)

“I promise to halt all current plans to subvert the election! (But wait until you see my NEW plans!)” Alex Wong / Getty News

Here’s your daily roundup of all the latest local and national news. (Like our coverage? Please consider making a recurring contribution to the Mercury to keep it comin’!)

• A suspect has been identified and is being sought by police for his involvement in the assault of a truck driver during a protest downtown this past weekend. Meanwhile local organizers are worried that the violent actions of a few people are damaging the message of Black Lives Matter. Our Alex Zielinski describes the complicated situation and talks to witnesses.

• Unemployed Oregonians are suddenly struggling even more after their jobless benefits have dropped from $600 per month at the end of July to less than half of that.

• Powell’s on Burnside has announced they will do an “experimental” reopening of limited sections of their flagship store, starting this Friday.

• Today the Oregon Health Authority reported nine additional deaths and 237 positive new cases. They also reported that the state’s cumulative testing positivity rate since the beginning of the pandemic is 4.5 percent, which is about half of the national average.


• First things first: BRITNEY NEWS.

• Trump’s corrupt Postmaster General Louis DeJoy was caught RED-HANDED trying to damage the postal service’s ability to process America’s mail-in votes this November, so now he’s saying he’s suspending all those disastrous actions until next year… BUT! BUT! BUT! He said nothing about fixing what he broke, and there’s lots of reasons to suspect he’s lying—which is why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ain’t having any of it.

• Also not having it? At least 20 states (including Oregon) who are mounting lawsuits to push back on Postmaster General DeJoy’s corrupt scheme to hijack the election.

• Meanwhile Trump is making noise that if the country goes through with mail-in voting, that we’ll be forced to “re-do” the election. Uh-huh… we’ll let you know, autocrat.

• During night one of the streaming Democratic Convention, Michelle Obama made a speech that turned Donald Trump into a smoking pile of ashes, deftly and emotionally explaining why America can’t afford another four years of Trump. Tonight’s festivities will include appearances from Jill Biden, Bill Clinton, and (be still my heart) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

• In “Yes, You Already Knew It, But Here’s More Proof It Actually Happened” news: A bipartisan Senate report released today reveals more evidence that Trump—with a big assist from his crony Paul Manafort— colluded with the Russians to get himself elected, and also includes “three allegations of potentially compromising material relating to Trump’s private trips to Russia” that involve women and videotapes. (And just when you thought you’d never hear the words “pee tape” again!)

• According to the World Health Organization, people “in their 20s, 30s, and 40s are increasingly driving” the spread of the coronavirus pandemic—primarily because they don’t even know they’re infected.

• GOOD NEWS TIME: A federal judge has slammed the brakes on a terrible Idaho law that would ban transgender athletes from participating in sports that match their gender identity.

• Want to support the Mercury AND look like a million bucks? Buy our newest “RESIST” T-shirt created by local artist Sloane Leong that comes in black, white, yellow, and teal and is perfect for anyone who wants to protest in style! BUT HURRY: The last day to buy one is Sunday, August 23!


Illustration: Sloane Leong

• THE WEATHER REPORT: Temps continue to drop tomorrow with a very reasonable high of 83 and mostly sunny skies.

• And finally, the Mercury news team vs. online trolls. WHO YA GOT?!?

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