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NASA Releases Specialized Aerial Shot Showing Extent Of Damage In Beirut

NASA Releases Specialized Aerial Shot Showing Extent Of Damage In Beirut

Tyler Durden

Sun, 08/09/2020 – 15:35

NASA has released specialized overhead imagery and analysis in the aftermath of the Aug. 4 massive Beirut port explosion.

The pictures were released by the agency’s Rapid Advanced Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) team in cooperation with the Earth Observatory in Singapore, and provide satellite-derived synthetic aperture radar data which reveals the extent of the damage in and around the detonation site.

“On the attached map, the dark red points, such as those in and around the port of Beirut, represent the most severe damage,” the official press release reads.

The orange areas were clearly damaged, while the yellow areas were likely to have suffered somewhat less damage, and each colored pixel represents an area of ​​30 meters.

The NASA press readout further details:

On the map, dark red pixels – like those present at and around the Port of Beirut – represent the most severe damage. Areas in orange are moderately damaged and areas in yellow are likely to have sustained somewhat less damage. Each colored pixel represents an area of 30 meters (33 yards).

Maps like this one can help identify badly damaged areas where people may need assistance. The explosion occurred near the city’s port. It claimed more than 150 lives and is estimated to have caused billions of dollars’ worth of damage.

Meanwhile, despite now raging protests in reaction to government negligence which allowed 2,750 metric tons of ammonium nitrate to be “stored unsafely”, Lebanese President Michel Aoun has rejected calls for an international investigation as a “waste of time”.

“The goal of calls for an international investigation in the port case is to waste time,” the President’s media office cited him as saying.

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