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Coronavirus state tracker: 195 new deaths reported, statewide reporting issues continue on Aug. 4

Several counties cited a significant and unresolved problem with the state of California’s reporting system for communicable diseases and that they are experiencing significant underreporting of COVID-19 testing results. The state has informed many counties that they have received incomplete information regarding test results, which affects the ability to identify new cases of COVID-19. The extent of this issue with the state is not fully known. The state confirmed that the data counties have received is valid, but incomplete.

The California Department of Public Health dashboard shows that there have been 1,694 deaths in the state in the last 14 days, 597 of those deaths were in Los Angeles County which amounts to 35% of the deaths in 14 days. As of 5:37 p.m. on Aug. 4, the state’s COVID-19 dashboard has not been updated in the last 24 hours.

Hospitalizations across the state have declined by 9.4% in the last 14 days with 7,630 people hospitalized and 2,069 in ICUs.

According to Southern California News Group estimates and research of all 58 county COVID-19 dashboards, there were 7,040 new cases and 195 new deaths reported Tuesday. The state’s number of total cases is at least 525,605 and total deaths 9,686, according to unofficial counts from county websites.


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