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Coronavirus tracker: California cases surpass 500,000, but hospitalizations are on the decline

For the fifth consecutive day, California reported fewer coronavirus-related hospitalizations, leading to a decrease of 25% since July 26, according to state reports. There were 6,459 hospitalizations Saturday, Aug. 1, or 1,540 fewer hospitalizations (-19%) than the previous day.

The state’s number of total cases topped 500,000 (506,456) since reporting began, and 9,354 people have died as of Saturday. There were 6,896 new cases of the coronavirus and 182 new deaths reported, according to unofficial counts from county websites. California health officials reported the state’s first coronavirus death of a child on Friday, saying the victim in the Central Valley was a teenager who had other health conditions.

Napa, San Francisco and Santa Clara counties have been added to the COVID watchlist, increasing number of counties on the watch list to 37.

The Associated Press contributed to this story.



The state’s breakdown of cases by age is as follows:

    • 5 and younger: 2% (9,773)
    • 5-17: 7.1% (35,747)
    • 18-34: 35.4% (177,777)
    • 35-49: 25.1% (125,562)
    • 50-59: 14.1% (70,453)
    • 60-64: 5.1% (25,439)
    • 65-69: 3.5% (17,603)
    • 70-74: 2.4% (12,244)
    • 75-79: 1.7% (8,499)
    • 80 and older: 3.4% (17,014)

The state’s breakdown of deaths by age group* is as follows:

  • 5 and younger: 0% (0)
  • 5-17: 0% (1)
  • 18-34: 1.5% (132)
  • 35-49: 5.7% (517)
  • 50-59: 9.9% (901)
  • 60-64: 7.6% (693)
  • 65-69: 9.7% (884)
  • 70-74: 11.2% (1,016)
  • 75-79: 11.4% (1,040)
  • 80 and older: 43% (3,911)

*A teen’s death in the Central Valley was reported by the state Friday, but is not yet reflected in state data.

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