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Notre Dame Withdraws From Hosting First Presidential Debate; “Could Be Conducted Online”

Notre Dame Withdraws From Hosting First Presidential Debate; “Could Be Conducted Online”

Tyler Durden

Mon, 07/27/2020 – 16:42

The University of Notre Dame has withdrawn from hosting the first Trump-Biden debate scheduled for September 29, citing advice from the St. Joseph County deputy health director, and the “diminished educational value” of hosting the event.

In a unanimous decision by the Executive Committee of the University’s Board of Trustees, University President John Jenkins – who sits on the Commission on Presidential Debates – says he made “this difficult decision because the necessary health precautions would have greatly diminished the educational value of hosting the debate on our campus.”

Jenkins added that “the inevitable reduction in student attendance in the debate hall, volunteer opportunities and ancillary educational events undermined the primary benefit of hosting — to provide our students with a meaningful opportunity to engage in the American political process.”

Instead, the debate will move to Sampson Pavilion at the Health Education Campus (HEC) in Cleveland, Ohio on the same date, September 29.

According to HEC President Barbara Snyder, “Samson Pavilion provides a particularly apt setting for this first debate” (in case Biden’s brain needs a reboot?), adding “It takes place soon after the start of the nation’s first full school year under the constraints and risks of the pandemic, and focuses specifically on health care.

That said, Snyder mentioned in an email to faculty, staff and students that “pandemic developments could require that the debate be conducted online,” adding that “It is no one’s preference, of course, but as we have seen firsthand, much can change in nine weeks.

Read the full letter below:

The change in venue – and acknowledgement that it could become a virtual debate is sure to stoke concerns that Biden’s ‘handlers’ are trying anything and everything to avoid having the cognitively challenged former VP face off against Trump in person.

As Robert Bridge of The Strategic Culture Foundation wrote last week:

Democrats are determined to ax a series of scheduled debates between the apparent Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, and the Republican incumbent, Donald Trump. If they succeed, this would be the crowning achievement of the radical left.

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