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What is the normal thing to do with this front door jamb/threshold?

What is the normal thing to do with this front door jamb/threshold?

I’m seeking the wisdom of r/DIY..

My partner and I recently bought an apartment in an older style 1970’s unit block. Really common in Australia, double brick and about 2 floors. We have been renovating it since and among some other building quirks i’m working on, i’m a bit lost on what to do with this door threshold…

The brick coming from the common walkway ends at the bottom of the door jamb, but it seems really unfinished. When we started it was carpeted up to it, the same way it is now with the vinyl planks we put down. Aside from looking crappy, it leaves about a 3cm gap underneath the door to the outside which isn’t exactly ideal for air conditioning or noise.

The other annoying thing is that the door jambs are metal instead of wood… which possibly could explain why there’s nothing at the bottom.

I’ve been putting off finishing this because i have no idea what the norm is or what i should do with it to make a nice transition inside. Can anyone shed any light on what the norm is here or what i should do? Is there normally supposed to be another piece of wooden door jamb at the bottom to finish it? Should i just buy one of those metal door threshold strips and put that down?

submitted by /u/Askallthethingss
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