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Take Customer Experience From Blah to Fantastic

If you Want Growth, Focus on Customer Experience

Ramon Ray had a quick chat with Molly Moore, head of marketing at Ruby Receptionists, at B2SMB in Napa, California about the importance of customer experience.

Ruby Receptionists provides virtual receptionists. They wow callers and their customers’ customers by answering their phones acting as consummate professionals. Molly says that they provide the human connection customer service needs. They recently acquired a company called Professional Chats, and are expanding their service offering to online chats adding another dimension to their customer experience.

Marketing to Small Businesses

“The small business customer has one of the toughest jobs in the world.” 

The small business owner typically spends two times the amount of time working as the average employee does. Rapid changes in technology are making how small business owners manage their time even more complex. But, Ruby Receptionists is proud to provide solutions that not only help small business owners be more effective and efficient but also helps them win business. Helping to relieve some of the pressure of knowing where their next customer is coming from.

The Customer Experience is About Connecting

In this world of technology, Molly says, “we’re really missing, we’ve strayed away from that valuable human connection.” At Ruby, they call it the “meaningful connection,” that provides an experience for the customer. People get immune to always being connected via email and smartphones but they’re just not experiencing meaningful connection. Molly shows that the numbers back it up. “Consumers value an experience 80% more than the product and services that customers actually delivering.” It’s about how they feel. Ruby Receptionists can provide that “wow experience” and connection for small businesses. Molly says that their customers always say, “Ruby never takes a day off, never gets sick, never has a bad day.” They are able to alleviate some of the human resources issues that small businesses just don’t have the time to deal with.

How Can Ruby Be ‘Me’ to My Customer?

Ramon had a great question: If you’re a bubbly business owner, how do you get your employees or contractor to provide the same level of service and energy when dealing with your clients and customers? Molly says it all boils down to one thing: training. Ruby Receptionists train their employees to provide that customer experience by “actually listening to what the customer has to say and responding in kind.” She says they’re trained to bring it back to that “wow experience.”

Taking the Customer Experience One Step Further

One unique way that Ruby provides a wow experience to their own customers is by allowing all of their employees to gift their customers with little customer experiences. If a customer mentions that their favorite team is playing in the Super Bowl, Ruby’s might send them a little something from their favorite team. Or, if a customer says they had a really bad day, they’ll send them a little kit. Ramon recalled that he had received a gift from someone he had worked with at Ruby’s Receptionists.

It’s All In the Name of Brand Loyalty

Molly shares that they do this to build loyalty and brand experience. She knows, “it is five times more expensive to acquire a new customer as it is to keep a customer.” 

It’s not just about winning new business, it’s also “that lasting loyalty and brand experience.” It’s important to consider the customers a business already has. If you keep them happy they can be referrals, can be evangelists, and buy more. Ruby is growing too. Molly says that with the acquisition of the chat company, they are building a brand experience for millennials who prefer not to talk to someone on the phone for simple questions.

This article, “Take Customer Experience From Blah to Fantastic” was first published on Small Business Trends

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