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Watch the first trailer for Disney’s live-action remake of Mulan

Disney released the first trailer for its upcoming live-action version of Mulan during today’s Women’s World Cup final, showing off a sweeping adventure flick set in China’s Han dynasty. Directed by Niki Caro (Whale Rider) and starring Yifei Liu in the lead role, the film will join the ranks of the studio’s other animation-to-live-action efforts when it’s released next March.

Yifei plays Hua Mulan, the daughter of Hua Zhou (played by Tzi Ma), a strict war veteran. When he’s recalled to military service to fend off a Hun invasion, Mulan disguises herself as a man to take his place in the Imperial army.

The film also stars Donnie Yen (Rogue One) as Commander Tung, Yoson An as Cheng Honghui, Gong Li (who plays Xianniang, a character not…

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