Just a glitch? Google hides conservative & alt-media websites from search results for hours

Google excluded major conservative and alt-media outlets from its search results for hours, hiding hits for sites like Breitbart and RedState even in searches for the outlets’ names – only to mysteriously revert to normal later. Conservative sites were in a panic Tuesday morning, reporting they seemed to have been blacklisted from Google. Articles and…

US puts $5 MILLION bounty on president of Venezuela’s supreme court, accusing him of ‘corruption’

Washington is offering $5 million for the arrest of the presiding judge of Venezuela’s Supreme Tribunal of Justice, accusing Maikel Moreno of accepting bribes in criminal cases and of being a “crony” of President Nicolas Maduro. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the bounty on Tuesday, saying that Moreno “used his position of authority…

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