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Must’ve Been The Wrong Place, and Time Too

by Anonymous

You ever feel just plain weird? As the title says, in the wrong place at the wrong time. You ever feel like nothing has changed so you go to where you did once years ago, and had been doing that for years too, but you’re 3 hours early now because the times have changed? One place on the visit has entirely closed. As well as you find out the location of where you did this at has entirely changed too? So then to kill time you find a place where you think you can settle in for 3 hours but it just doesn’t seem right?
Nothing does. The people. The service. The lighting is too bright. It feels like everyone is looking at you, and talking way loud. Then you realize you’ve had enough for some reason and need to move on? You never have cash but this time you do, and it’s taking forever to get what you asked for, while everyone else is getting theirs and noone seems to be found to help you so you dump the cash you got which should be more than enough plus tips, and move on?
And then you go to a place you’ve never been, and would never think would feel right, and its absolutely perfect, and feel like that’s where you should’ve been all along, as it opened at the same time the other place did that you first thought would be great?
Choices. Damned if I do. Damned if I dont.

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