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This is it. Don’t get scared now.

by Anonymous

If you haven’t noticed, we are heading into a super heavy distraction and disinformation media cycle with the midterms ramping up alongside the Congressional insurrection investigation.

This is also at the same time Garland’s DOJ and Wray’s FBI are trying to figure out where they can draw the line internally and what amputations can be made to save the organizations.

This is also at the same time local law enforcement practices are being critically daylighted and public employees’ connections to violent extremist organizations are being revealed.

To put it mildly, the water is going to get choppy. but don’t panic. There isn’t going to be a civil war or another insurrection.

Each of us has a responsibility to fight our lizard brain fear instincts and do our part to forge new community connections, reinforce existing ones, and repair past damages.

Remember they can only win with fear. Do not give in to fear. Do not participate in fear based decision making. It’s going to be okay. We’re going to make it after all.

Love each other.

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