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Should auld acquaintance be forgot

by Anonymous

Be brave. Be careful. Let labor start when it’s ready. Share responsibility.

Expect contractions to become stronger and more frequent. Remember your breathing.

Walk around. Give that cutie your number. Play hooky. Set up coffee dates with friends you haven’t seen in a while. Find a reason to ask your neighbor for a cup of sugar. Write a secret note to yourself everyday. Prepare a room in your home where electronics are not allowed.

Change positions as many times as you like. This is a process not a prescription. Open your home. Share a poem you wrote. Light a candle and think of old friends. Ask questions. Take a break.

Call your mother. Be kind to strangers, warmly greeted them and tell them you are close by if they need anything. Mean what you say. Get some exercise. Keep your five favorite books handy. Check the batteries in your flashlights.

Avoid any interventions that are not medically necessary. Write down the names and phone numbers of three people you can call anytime day or night to talk about anything with. Lower the intensity.

Don’t feel ashamed for wearing your mask, it’s one of the many ways you are putting others first.

You are not alone. Your body will tell you when to push.

Be a beacon. Wash your hands. Trust Each Other.

Don’t believe the hype, you’ve already won.

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