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West Des Moines Paramedic Tests Positive for COVID-19

West Des Moines, Iowa — A West Des Moines paramedic has tested positive for COVID-19 after completing the ‘Test Iowa’ screening.

West Des Moines Emergency Medical Services say the paramedic had transported COVID-19 patients previously. The paramedic was not showing symptoms of COVID-19 when the paramedic was tested. The paramedic is now on off duty until he or she remains symptom free for 10 days.

West Des Moines EMS says its paramedics have been wearing N95 masks, safety goggles and gloves with all patients since mid-April. Each ambulance and cot is ‘decontaminated’ after each patient, the ambulances are cleaned ‘electrostatically’ after each suspected COVID-19 patient and decontaminated with UV light twice daily.

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